FREE Shipping. The Team; What we do; What is Community Rail; The Lines. $24.50 $ 24. Thunbergia grandiflora Fast growing sky vine reaches for the sky, decorated with ravishing summer flowers in blue with a hint of violet. Wegen der Kletterei. Fertilise with ½ strength water-soluble fertiliser every two weeks during blooming to maintain the blooms' size and colour. I'm buying… I'm buying. $22.99 $ 22. As the alternative names hint, this species births Thunbergia flowers whose soft-blue colors almost resemble that of the sky. Foliage. It blossoms with velvety flowers all year, more in warmer months. See more ideas about plants, vines, flowers. If allowed to go to seed, it will cease blooming, but if deadheaded regularly, the plant will bloom for prolonged periods. 4.0 out of 5 stars 9. Moderate Watering. It is for this reason that we decided to head for the hinterlands of Mt. Thunbergia grandiflora - Wikipedia. Keep the soil moist. A weed of riparian zones (banks of watercourses), disturbed closed forests, forest margins, open woodlands, roadsides, fence-lines, gardens and plantation crops in tropical and subtropical regions. It has quite a few names that it is known by; blue skyflower, skyflower, Bengali clock vine, Bengali trumpet, blue trumpet vine, and sky vine. How to Prune Thunbergia Erecta. long (2.5 cm), adorned with cream or yellow throats. The Blue Sky Vine, Thunbergia grandiflora, is an exceptionally popular tropical vine that is easy, reliable, has excellent flower power and it can be grown as a die-back perennial in zones 8-9 if established early in the growing season (click the "More Details and Growing Info" link or the plant's image to learn more). Another common species of Thunbergia is the Thunbergia Grandiflora. Blue flowering plants are a rarity in South Florida, and this vine's incredibly beautiful clusters of blue-violet blooms light up the … long (10-20 cm), and attractive trumpet-shaped lavender-blue flowers, 3 in. long (10-20 cm), and attractive trumpet-shaped lavender-blue flowers, 3 in. Other languages: Bloutrompetter (A) Uses in landscape design: Thunbergia grandiflora is an ideal plant for pergolas. 99. It is for this reason that we decided to head for the hinterlands of Mt. Situate thunbergia so that it is in full sun exposure. Work the compost into the top 8 inches (20 cm) of soil. Propagating Thunbergia grandiflora (Skyflower, Bengal Clock Vine or Blue Trumpet Vine) from cuttings is much more difficult than we thought. Jun 15, 2020 - Explore Chita Bernardo's board "Grandiflora thumbergia" on Pinterest. Thunbergia grandiflora este o plantă agăţătoare, originară din sud-estul Asiei. When growing in containers or hanging baskets you may need to water as often every other day during the peak heat of summer to maintain the soil moisture. Habitat. With the cuttings that we took from a nearby source, survival rate was a disappointing 0%. Thunbergia grandiflora is an evergreen vine in the family Acanthaceae. Weiter ist die aus Hinterindien stammende Thunbergia grandiflora verbreitet. When not given a structure to latch onto the plant will grow in a vining shrub habit that can get to looking unkempt if not tidied up occasionally with pruning. Grown in containers or on a wall, thunbergia trails beautifully, covering a wide area. Moderate Watering – Requires Regular Watering. Ich hoffe, im nächsten Jahr Blüten zeigen zu können. Monitor thunbergia closely for any … Thunbergia is a flowering vine that quickly covers a fence or trellis. This Thunbergia species does very well in the Coastal region of South Carolina and has survived temperatures as low as 15 F. No pests have been observed after more than 9 years of growth. A genuine hamburger for the Gentleman! I have a Thunbergia grandiflora and its leaves are yellowing. Browse pictures and read growth / cultivation information about Thunbergia Species, Bengal Clock Vine, Blue Sky Vine (Thunbergia grandiflora) supplied by member gardeners in … The leaves are small and pretty for an overall fine-textured look. Dark-green in All seasons . Watch out for Specific pests. Sky vine (Thunbergia grandiflora), also commonly referred to as clock vine, a member of the tropical Acanthaceae family and is an evergreen in frost free climates, where it also produces fruits, but growth slows or stops in cool temperatures. Aphids, Glasshouse red spider mite, Glasshouse whitefly, Scale insects Aphids , Glasshouse red spider mite , Glasshouse whitefly , Scale insects . In cooler climates where it grows as an annual you can lift the plant and roots from the soil, pot it up for winter in a greenhouse or simply discard the plant. Thunbergia Grandiflora. Thunbergia grandiflora - Grossblütige Himmelsblume Familie: Acanthaceae - Acanthusgewächse Heimat: Indien Blüten: hellblau bis blaue bis zu 5 cm breite Blüten in dichten Trauben Blütezeit: Juni/Juli bis Herbst Wuchsform: Kletterpflanze bis 5 m, im Kübel kleiner Standort: sonnig – halbschattig und warm Vermehrung: durch Stecklinge und Samen bei >22°C BT Coloration of their bloom varies widely from the golden-hued black-eyed susan thunbergia, to the blue thunbergia grandiflora. Half Sun. 95. Thunbergia grandiflora is a twining, flowering perennial vine with leathery elongated heart shaped leaves and flowers in colors of sky blue to light violet. Sie hat Blüten mit einem Durchmesser von bis zu 7 cm, die Blätter sind lanzettförmig, also lang und spitz zulaufend. Aus indischen Gefilden stammt die Großblütige Thunbergia (Thunbergia grandiflora), ein ausgesprochener Dauerblüher, welcher ebenfalls mit Namen wie Blauer Trompetenwein, Großblütige Himmelsblume oder gar Uhrenwein bezeichnet wird. To grow upright, it must be tied to a support or have taller plants to lean on for support. My ideas. Die Thunbergia grandiflora ist eine Kletterpflanze mit mittelblauen Blüten. Provide a nutrient-rich soil that is kept evenly moist throughout the growing season. Maybe yours get too much water? Park Seed Black-Eyed Susan Vine Seeds, Includes 25 Seeds in a Pack. ). Bengal vine, sky vine This is a vigorous, large vine, evergreen in the tropics, but it is deciduous or dies to the ground in zone 8b winters. Water Thunbergia deeply once a week, providing approximately 1 inch (2.5 cm) of water during irrigation or enough to keep the top 6 inches (15 cm) of soil evenly moist. Quote. Die einjährige Kletterpflanze bildet ausdauernd vom Frühsommer bis in den späten Herbst hübsche Blüten. It is evergreen in frost-free areas. Ver más ideas sobre flores, plantas, flores exóticas. My plants. Ferner hat es eine stark leberentgiftende und heparprotektive Wirkung und wird daher wirkungsvoll bei Alkohol und Drogenabusus eingesetzt. across (7 cm), adorned with pale yellow or white throats. Sie stammt ursprünglich vom indischen Subkontinent, wird oft als Zierpflanze verwendet und ist in einigen Gebieten eine invasive Pflanze With the cuttings that we took from a nearby source, survival rate was a disappointing 0%. Flowering Plant - Thunbergia 'Arizona Rose Sensation'- 1 Plants - 2 feet Long - Ship in 6" Pot. My calendar. PudgyMudpies Stockton, CA(Zone 9a) Sep 18, 2004. Non Indigenous – Exotic to South Africa. Die Großblütige Thunbergia (Thunbergia grandiflora) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Familie der Akanthusgewächse (Acanthaceae). Outsidepride Rose Mallow Mix - 1000 … Hues of white, orange, lavender and violet are also commonly found. FREE Shipping. Yellow centers in the throat of purple-blue flowers are sure to attract much attention in the garden. Deadhead or pluck spent blooms as they fade to encourage new bloom formation. All Rights Reserved. lol.. -seedpicker_TX Post #1052540. Numele specie provine de la Carl Peter Thunberg, botanist suedez care a trăit ȋn secolul XVIII. To prevent excessive moisture loss to evaporation, mulch around the base of the plant with an organic material such as shredded bark or cocoa hulls. $2.59 $ 2. Semi Frost Hardy . Elliptic to heart-shaped dark green leaves (to 4-8” long) are covered with soft hairs. Blue Glory has bright green heart-shaped leaves, fuzzy greenish-white buds, and dark blue to purple trumpet-shaped flowers. by Witt, A., Luke, Q.]. Select a sunny location that receives direct sunlight for six or more hours a day. Collect mature dry seeds. Thunbergia grandiflora is an ideal plant for pergolas. Eine farbliche Ähnlichkeit zur Schwarzäugigen Susanne weist Thunbergia gregorii auf, allerdings fehlt bei den rein orangefarbenen … Site the bed near a trellis, fence or similar 5 to 8 foot (1.5 to 3.4 m) tall support. Feed your thunbergia with a water-soluble general purpose fertilizer once a month. Learn which plants thrive in your Hardiness Zone with our new interactive map! Plant Thunbergiaseedlings outdoors after all frost danger passes or start your own seeds indoors 6 weeks before the last expected frost. Grow it in sun in a reasonably well-drained soil. Thunbergia is a flowering vine that quickly covers a fence or trellis. Allowing soil to dry slightly between waterings is fine, but soil that dries out completely will cause wilting and leaf burn. Plant Care: Full Sun. Thunbergia alata ist ein schnell wachsender, rankender Strauch. Borne singly or in small clusters, they bloom throughout the summer and fall. Pest and Problems: Plant the seedlings along the base of t… Always apply the diluted fertilizer solution over wet soil and follow the manufacturer's dosing instructions, erring on the side of less fertilizer rather than more. Plant in soil that is high in organic material, as thunbergia thrives in rich soil that retains water well. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. see more; Family Acanthaceae . Full Sun – Prefers 6 or more hours of sun per day. Introduction Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the major life-threatening neurodegenerative disorder, is responsible for 60% of all dementia in the people having age more than 65 (Ali-Shtayeh & Jamous, 2008; Singhal, Bangar, & Naithani, 2012). How to care. When growing in containers or hanging baskets you may need to water as often every other day during the peak heat of summer to maintain the soil moisture. Thunbergia grandiflora is: Deciduous. Thunbergia grandiflora (Blue Trumpet Vine) is a vigorous twining evergreen vine, often grown as an annual, with large, heart-shaped, bright green leaves, 4-8 in. Infos und Pflegetipps vom Profi: Thunbergia grandiflora bei FLORA TOSKANA kaufen: +große Pflanzenauswahl +Qualität bestellen +20 Jahre Versand-Erfahrung europaweit Black Eyed Susan Vine 40 Seeds Thunbergia Buy 2 Orders Get 120 Seeds Total #80. Copyright Leaf Group Ltd. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. Monitor thunbergia closely for any signs of lack of water. RHS AGM (Award of Garden Merit) Flower. In climates where thunbergia grows as a perennial you can prune it back for shape and size as desired in the fall or early spring. Dann habe ich noch Thunbergia coccinea - rot blühend - und Thunbergia myosorensis, gelb-braun blühend in hängenden Trauben , daß sind mir Klettermaxen genug. Fragrant thunbergia (Thunbergia fragrans) is relatively similar to blue trumpet vine (Thunbergia grandiflora), laurel clock vine (Thunbergia laurifolia) and black-eyed Susan (Thunbergia alata), and very similar to native thunbergia (Thunbergia arnhemica). Genus Thunbergia can be annuals or perennials, often twining climbers, with simple opposite leaves and trumpet-shaped or salver-shaped flowers borne singly in leaf axils, or in racemes, in summer . Watering: Allow the media to dry moderately between waterings. Plant thunbergia seedlings outdoors after all frost danger passes, or start your own seeds indoors six weeks before the last expected frost. Oct 24, 2017 - Thunbergia grandiflora / Thunbergia grandiflora - 7848 My thunbergia collection are all big enough, that I let them take care of themselves(ie: no supplemental watering). Thunbergia grandiflora is naturalised in parts of Uganda (Dawson et al, 2008) and invasive in parts of Tanzania (Tropical Biology Association 2010). Watch out for Specific pests. Spraying or painting cut stumps with herbicides such as glyphosate is an effective control method (Bio-NET-EAFRINET, 2011). It has quite a few names that it is known by; blue skyflower, skyflower, Bengali clock vine, Bengali trumpet, blue trumpet vine, and sky vine. Keep track of your plants with reminders & care tips – all to help you grow successfully. Maybe you are "loving" yours too much! Amend existing soil with generous amounts of compost or well-rotted manure to improve texture and assist in retaining moisture. Semi Frost Hardy – Is Able to Survive Moderately Low Temperatures. ; many pl. Interesting info: It needs trimming each winter to increase growth the following season. It is native to China, India, Nepal, Indochina and Burma and widely naturalised elsewhere. To prevent leaf burn, do not allow the planting media to dry completely or the plant to wilt repeatedly. Propagating Thunbergia grandiflora (Skyflower, Bengal Clock Vine or Blue Trumpet Vine) from cuttings is much more difficult than we thought. If a mild winter takes place, the vine will continue to grow actively, although much less rapidly. Always apply the diluted fertilizer solution over wet soil and follow the manufacturer's dosing instructions, erring on the side of less fertilizer rather than more. Genus Thunbergia can be annuals or perennials, often twining climbers, with simple opposite leaves and trumpet-shaped or salver-shaped flowers borne singly in leaf axils, or in racemes, in summer . Thunbergia grandiflora. RHS AGM (Award of Garden Merit) Flower. Mai este cunoscută şi sub numele de viţa cerului, viţa trompetă albastră şi viţa ceas. He's paying. Foliage. Thunbergia grandiflora. The plants require less irrigation during rainy weather, and they may require twice weekly irrigation during times of dry, hot weather. 25-abr-2019 - Explora el tablero "Thunbergia" de Elena Gatea, que 103 personas siguen en Pinterest. $6.95 $ 6. Copyright 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Thunbergia erecta 'King's Mantle' Thunbergia shrubs are exuberant purple flowering plants that can dress up any South Florida garden. Sky vine (Thunbergia grandiflora), also commonly referred to as clock vine, a member of the tropical Acanthaceae family and is an evergreen in frost free climates, where it also produces fruits, but growth slows or stops in cool temperatures. Perennial vine grown as annual. Sky vine (Thunbergia grandiflora), also commonly referred to as clock vine, a member of the tropical Acanthaceae family and is an evergreen in frost free climates, where it also produces fruits, but growth slows or stops in cool temperatures. Very pretty! Dark-green in All seasons . FREE Shipping. 146 pp. Habit. BLUE SKY Tropical Flowering Vine Live Plant Thunbergia grandiflora Lavender Blue Flowers Starter Size 4 Inch Pot Emerald TM. Blue thunbergia (Thunbergia grandiflora) is regarded as a significant environmental weed in Queensland, and as a potential environmental weed or "sleeper weed" in the Northern Territory, Western Australia and New South Wales. Thunbergia grandiflora is: Deciduous. Aufgrund des starken Zuwachses von Himmelsblumen (Thunbergia) ist der Nährstoffbedarf hoch: Düngen Sie von April bis September wöchentlich mit Volldünger (flüssig, wasserlösliche Pulver, Stäbchen o.ä. Allowing the soil to dry out will cause near immediate wilt. Non Indigenous. How to Prune Thunbergia Erecta. Description. Usually ships within 6 to 10 days. 5 Thunbergia Grandiflora Blue Séẹd - Thunbergia Grandiflora Vine Plạnt Flọwer Séẹd. 00. To prevent excessive moisture loss to evaporation, mulch around the base of the plant with an organic material such as shredded bark or cocoa hulls. The leaves are small and pretty for an overall fine-textured look. FREE Shipping. It is native to Southeast … RHS Cardiff Cancelled RHS Cardiff. How to care. Common names include Bengal clockvine, Bengal trumpet, blue skyflower, blue thunbergia, blue trumpetvine, clockvine, skyflower and skyvine.. With proper care the vines remain in bloom from midsummer until fall frost. Keep the soil moist. Pflege im Sommer: Erde für Himmelsblumen (Thunbergia) stets leicht feucht halten, aber nicht vernässen, da dies zu Wurzelfäulnis führen kann. Only 7 left in stock - order soon. Allowing soil to dry slightly between waterings is fine, but soil that dries out completely will cause wilting and leaf burn. Catalog of Acanthaceae in El Salvador. Thunbergia Erecta Nana care. Find Blue Trumpet Vine (Thunbergia grandiflora) in Houston, Texas (TX) at Buchanan's Native Plants (Bengal Clock Vine, Blue Thunbergia, Sky Flower) Some afternoon shade will be tolerated without severely impacting bloom. Die Farbe der Blüten einer Thunbergia alata kann unterschiedlich sein, alle Blüten haben aber ein dunkelbraunes bis schwarzes Auge in der Mitte. Thunbergia favours quite rich, organic soil. When grown as an annual, it grows to 6-8’ long in a single season. They thrive in sun and evenly moist soil; and, depending on the varietal and growing climate, bloom from early summer through late fall. Die Thunbergia laurifolia wächst stark und hat große Blüten und Blätter. It is native to India. Thunbergia, black-eyed Susan vine, clock vine r elated varieties: Susie Mix is composed of orange, yellow, and white blooms, either with or without dark centers. Bentham; Clitheroe There is also a white flowering variety. Awards. Vigorous, Thunbergia erecta (Bush Clock Vine) is an erect, sometimes twining, evergreen shrub with small, ovate, dark green leaves and slightly fragrant, velvety dark blue to purple flowers, 1 in. 50. Gently twine or secure the vines and tendrils around the supports and the plant will continue to climb. 59. 5.0 out of 5 stars 5. Thunbergia grandiflora. Maintenance: It needs trimming each winter to increase groeth the following season. Amend existing soil with generous amounts of compost or well-rotted manure to improve texture and assist in retaining moisture. About Us. Thunbergia grandiflora, commonly called blue trumpet vine, clock vine, sky vine or sky flower, is a woody-stemmed, evergreen, tropical, twining climber. Thunbergia is a family of tender perennial flowering shrubs and climbing vines. Pale-blue, Violet in Summer. Only 3 left in stock - order soon. Afternoon shade is fine as long as the area receives adequate morning light. Makiling. Thunbergia GRANDIFLORA - Clock Vine. It grows to 15-30’ long in frost free areas. Social Care Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease; Thunbergia grandiflora; anticholinesterase; antioxidant; radical scavenging 1. In climates where thunbergia grows as a perennial you can prune it back for shape and size as desired in the fall or early spring. As the alternative names hint, this species births Thunbergia flowers whose soft-blue colors almost resemble that of the sky. Thunbergia grandiflora (Blue Trumpet Vine) is a vigorous twining evergreen vine, often grown as an annual, with large, heart-shaped, bright green leaves, 4-8 in. Aphids, Glasshouse red spider mite, Glasshouse whitefly, Scale insects Aphids , Glasshouse red spider mite , Glasshouse whitefly , Scale insects . $39.99 $ 39. Plant in soil that is high in organic material, as thunbergia thrives in rich soil that retains water well. Get it as soon as Wed, Dec 9. Plan the perfect garden with our interactive tool →, Dave's Garden expert gardener exchange site. Makiling. 99. FREE Shipping. Thunbergia grandiflora (Blue Trumpet Vine) is a vigorous twining evergreen vine, often grown as an annual, with large, heart-shaped, bright green leaves, 4-8 in. Jul 26, 2015 - Thunbergia grandiflora 'Alba' plante grimpante tropicale blanche Description . There are several species, but the most common is orange and black black-eyed Susan vine, and the sky dancer vine that produces showy blue or white flowers amid cascading heart-shaped foliage. Deadhead spent blooms regularly to encourage the plant to produce new blooms. Half Sun – Prefers 3 To 6 Hours of Sunlight a Day. It blossoms with velvety flowers all year, more in warmer months. 3.0 out of 5 stars 2. This vine is fast growing in the south and a beautiful addition to the garden. These easy-to-care-for vines are ideal for creating a privacy screen or simply providing a lush green backdrop for other flowers. This shrub is a vigorous grower with a sprawling form that often gives the plant an attractive, somewhat weepy appearance. Hot links . Thunbergia is a family of tender perennial flowering shrubs and climbing vines. Pale-blue, Violet in Summer. Richford holds a Bachelor of Science in secondary education from the University of Maine Orono and certifications in teaching 7-12 English, K-8 General Elementary and Birth to age 5. Bookmark. Awards. Thunbergia Grandiflora. Browse inspiration articles; Buy plants online; RHS Flower Shows » For the latest on RHS Shows in 2020 and 2021, read more. Climbing, Twining. Feed your thunbergia with a water-soluble general purpose fertilizer once a month. Trim or prune lightly to maintain shape, or to train the vine to grow in the direction you choose. Thunbergia laurifolia wirkt stark antiallergisch und hat gegen den synthetischen Antiallergikas wie den Antihistaminen den Vorteil, dass es keine typischen Nebenwirkungen wie Müdigkeit, Schwindel und trockenen Mund, besitzt. E5. These easy-to-care-for vines are ideal for creating a privacy screen or simply providing a lush green backdrop for other flowers. Scientific Survey of Porto Rico & Virgin Islands, Volume 6, Broome R, Sabir K, Carrington S, 2007. Nannette Richford is an avid gardener, teacher and nature enthusiast with more than four years' experience in online writing. Another common species of Thunbergia is the Thunbergia Grandiflora. Thunbergia grandiflora. If allowed to go to seed, it will cease blooming, but if deadheaded regularly, the plant will bloom for prolonged periods. Spread 2 inches (5 cm) of compost over a well-drained garden bed that receives full morning sunlight and light afternoon shade. The blue or white flowers are three to four inches across and borne on pendant spikes. Unfortunately, it is not reliably cold hardy in zone 8b.. Habit. Provide a sturdy structural support for your thunbergia--be it a fence, arbor, trellis or pergola. Thunbergia erecta 'King's Mantle' Thunbergia shrubs are exuberant purple flowering plants that can dress up any South Florida garden. My advice. $78.00 $ 78. Climbing, Twining. Having examined, with some care, plants of T. grandiflora which bloom abundantly, and others on which a single blossom is rarely to be witnessed, it is obvious to us that the two states are brought about solely by attention or inattention to some very trifling particulars. Thunbergia battiscombei is a weak-stemmed, perennial shrub rather than a climbing vine. In the garden increase groeth the following season the direction you choose ; ;. In bloom from midsummer until fall frost it grows to 6-8 ’ long in frost free areas it sun... 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Times of dry, hot weather covers a fence or trellis growing sky vine reaches for hinterlands., blue trumpetvine, clockvine, skyflower and skyvine Hardy – is Able to Survive moderately Low Temperatures the. Thunbergia collection are all big enough, that I let them take care of themselves ( ie: supplemental! Remain in bloom from midsummer until fall frost common names include Bengal clockvine, skyflower and skyvine grown an. 103 personas siguen en Pinterest is fast growing in the garden plant an,... Form that often gives the plant an attractive, somewhat weepy appearance have Thunbergia... Growing season the soil to dry slightly between waterings is fine, soil. A., Luke, Q. ] blossoms with thunbergia grandiflora care flowers all,. Q. ] plants require less irrigation during times of dry, hot weather it. Die Blätter sind lanzettförmig, also lang und spitz zulaufend mai este cunoscută sub. Trim or prune lightly to maintain the blooms ' size and colour to improve texture and assist in retaining.... A nearby source, survival rate was a disappointing 0 % groeth the season!, Broome R, Sabir K, Carrington S, 2007 that can dress up any South Florida.. South Florida garden they fade to encourage new bloom formation to grow in the throat thunbergia grandiflora care purple-blue are. Ferner hat es eine stark leberentgiftende und heparprotektive Wirkung und wird daher wirkungsvoll Alkohol. Take care of themselves ( ie: no supplemental watering ) in der Mitte a lush backdrop. Thunbergia erecta 'King 's Mantle ' Thunbergia shrubs are exuberant purple flowering plants that can dress any. Place, the vine will continue to climb plants that can dress up any South Florida garden for other.... Encourage the plant an attractive, somewhat weepy appearance große Blüten und Blätter that. To four inches across and borne on pendant spikes it in sun a! An annual, it will cease blooming, but soil that is high in organic material, Thunbergia... ' size and colour organic material, as Thunbergia thrives in rich soil retains. ” long ) are covered with soft hairs difficult than we thought assist retaining. In Zone 8b erecta 'King 's Mantle ' Thunbergia shrubs are exuberant purple flowering plants can... Hint, this species births Thunbergia flowers whose soft-blue colors almost resemble of... Moderately Low Temperatures in warmer months assist in retaining moisture white throats care of themselves ( ie no. Leberentgiftende und heparprotektive Wirkung und wird daher wirkungsvoll bei Alkohol und Drogenabusus eingesetzt trumpet-shaped lavender-blue flowers, 3.. Single season alle Blüten haben aber ein dunkelbraunes bis schwarzes Auge in Mitte! Rhs AGM ( Award of garden Merit ) Flower climbing vines blooming to maintain the blooms ' size and.... Less rapidly Bengal Trumpet, blue Thunbergia, to the garden I have a Thunbergia blue.