The patient then drinks this liquid twice a day. The present-day name ginger originates from the Middle English term gingivere , meaning 'horn root' , same as its original name in Sanskrit, srngaveram , likely due to the knotty appearance of the plant's underground stem (rhizome) and root. Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish botanist, manufactured the name Zingiber officinale . What is so wonderful about chinese herbal medicine is that unlike the West they never stopped using traditional medicine, which is herbalism. It was formerly used in treating gout, mixed with coconut oil and applied on wounds, and added to baths and poultices in cases of fever and pleurisy. Some nutritional supplements may also contain Ginger as a digestive aid or flavoring. The Arabians use another member of the same family, galanga (alpinia officinarium) and zedoary (curcuma zedoaria). The list includes volatile oil, pungent principles including gingerols and shogaols, lipids, proteins, starch, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, resins, and a whole lot more. It was an article of common import from the East to Europe from the 11th to the 13th centuries a.d., and probably for a long period preceding that time. The same mixture is used in the case of having been bitten by a poisonous animal. With Coconut Oil, Basil Juice & Cucumber. The leaves are 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 cm) long, elongate, alternate in two vertical rows, and arise from sheaths enwrapping the stem. The Spaniards brought it to the West Indies and Mexico soon after the conquest, and by 1547 ginger was being exported from Santiago to Spain. Tidy up a bad case of “intestinal flu” Some viruses attack the respiratory tract, others target the digestive tract. In Jamaica , a decoction of the rhizome alone or with the vine of Momordica charantia (q.v.) Morphology: This Northwest native sports two downy, heart-shaped to kidney-shaped, handsomely veined, dark green, basal leaves which can grow to 6” wide. Reasonable uses : Food poisoning, intestinal flu, nausea, vomiting, food poisoning, motion sickness. It will firstly kill the varmint and secondly sooth the nerves that are causing that undescribably horrible sensation known as nausea. Chapter from “Thirty Plants That Can Save Your Life”. It quickly became a mainstay in the new world medicine chest. Along with many other spices, ginger arrived in Europe a long time ago, and was immediately snapped up into the kitchen and pharmacy. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. All of the participants felt a hot to numbing sensation in the scrotum, while a few had local erythema and edema. History and Traditional Uses When it comes to ancient remedies, they don’t come any more ancient. This article was most recently revised and updated by, ginger - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), ginger - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). It serves as a sudorific in fevers. We know of one ginger, zingiber officinalis, the official ginger. Scientific name Asarum canadense is more unclear. Mix it into the coconut cream and drink the mixture, taking one dose per day for 5 days. The roots of these two plants are considered to be a stimulant, a stomach healer, an aphrodisiac, and of all things a cure for amnesia. Ginger is propagated by planting rootstalk cuttings and has been under this type of cultivation for so long that it no longer goes to seed. Ginger is a member of the same plant family that includes tumeric and cardamom. Its name in the Chinese dialects indicates that it is was originally imported. The rhizomes are abundantly displayed in native markets of Panama . Marco Polo (518) observed it in China and India about 1280-90. The main purpose of having a scientific name is to have a same name accepted and used worldwide. The ginger that we use in cookies and other pastries, dried and powdered, found in little bottles, is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the ginger family and its worldwide usage. On the scientific level, much has been proven about ginger, almost all the folk beliefs have been verified: It does the following: - Prevents motion sickness - Thins the blood - Lowers blood cholesterol - Prevents cancer in animals. Omissions? Drink it down. The spice came to Europe via Arab traders. The Hawaiians use ginger in this manner: for a slight sprain or bruise, the “awapuhi” has been found to be very helpful. The flowers are in dense conelike spikes about 1 inch thick and 2 to 3 inches long that are composed of overlapping green bracts, which may be edged with yellow. It has the compacity to settle the stomach, ease pain from gas and bloating, and even slow certain types of diarrhea. The report will display the kingdom and all descendants leading down to the name you choose. Infusion of ginger (2 drachmas to 6 ounces of boiling water and strained) taken warm just before going to bed, the body being covered with blankets so as to produce copious perspiration, is often attended with the best results. With gingers ability to quell nausea and often kill the bacterial source, it makes a fine selection when you find yourself running to the bathroom like a bat from hell. Despite its origin ginger could be found all through Africa and Arabia long before people gave up in the idea that the world was flat. Gerard had this to say about it, ” Ginger, as Dioscorides reporteth, is right good with meat in sauces, or otherwise in conditures: for it is of an heating and digesting quality; it gently looseth the belly, and is profitable for the stomach , and effectually opposeth itself against all darkness of the light; answering the qualities and effects of pepper. Only unbleached ginger (scraped or unscraped) is accepted as a medicinal-grade drug, containing 1.5% or more volatile oil. The Shakers felt that it was valuable in diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, cholera morbus, habitual flatulency, dyspepsia, and to relieve pains in the bowels and stomach. Fishermen in Asia keep it on board in the event of bad weather for a reason! Gingers papery brown skin is used to treat people with gas, the leaves are bruised and juiced and the liquid resulting is used to increase appetite of a person with no taste for food, and the peeled root is used to treat nausea, dysentery, and to act as on overall digestive stimulant. If all else fails you can use the dried powder available in the spice section of the market. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. In fact, ginger has been a spice and a domestic remedy from the earliest records, being extensively employed both as a spice and as an aromatic stomachic. Ginger may be unscraped (with all of its cork layer); partly scraped; or scraped or peeled (with all of its cork, epidermis, and hypodermis removed). In fact when you make ginger tea you will see it floating on the top of the water you boiled the root in. Nothing is more potentially dodgy than eating raw fish and you will notice the Japanese always eat sushi with a healthy helping of pickled ginger root. When you are sick due to some invader moving into your guts ginger is the perfect option. This may insure that it only lasts a few days and never comes back. A recent small study demonstrated benefit in both the ginger and placebo groups, with fewer side effects in the ginger group. - by acting on the central sympathetic centers, Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis raises blood pressure. In Brazil its used to treat cramps, nausea, and gas. History: Classic Chinese treatment for nausea and food poisoning. Along these lines chemicals in ginger have been proven to knock out bacteria such as those that cause delhi belly and montezumas revenge. The dried ginger rhizomes are irregular in shape, branched or palmate. If eating seafood can be a risk, eating raw seafood is playing Russian roulette! More than a flavour, ginger contains oils that kill the food poisoning bacteria. Its generic name Zingiber is derived from the Greek zingiberis, which comes from the Sanskrit name of the spice, singabera. Ginger is a tropical plant that has its origins in tropical Asia . The leafy stems of ginger grow about a metre high. in height,. Description Though Wild Ginger is not the ginger used in cooking, it does have a root system with a mild ginger scent. Some of the popular common names of the plants are Asarabacca, Snake Root, canadian wild ginger, Canada Wild Ginger, Wild Ginger, broad-leaved Asarabacca, Canada Ginger, Cat’s Foot, Colic Root, Coltsfoot, Heart-Leaf, Indian Ginger, Namepin, Snakeroot and Sturgeon Potato. The entire ginger family is rich in oils that both kill micro-critters and stimulate the immune system to do the same. The scientific name for Kahili ginger is ‘Hedychium gardnerianum’. Contains gingerol, which has powerful medicinal properties. Ginger made its way from the Orient to Tropical America early in the colonial days, where it has since taken root wherever winter is never felt. Each bract encloses a single, small, yellow-green and purple flower. Shampoo ginger common name relates to the creamy liquid substance in the cones which may be extracted by squeezing for use as a hair shampoo and/or hair conditioner. Motion sickness has everything to do with sensory perception and it is thought that ginger works in some way to deaden the nerves that create the nauseous feeling. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. queazy feelings – vomiting. The plants take in the hot sun and ship down to the root where it stays until we go and collect it. The upper classes were known to over indulge and ginger was used to settle the abused stomach. Galanga is unknown to most of us, however, it is the root that floats around in coconut shrimp soup so popularized by the Thai restaurants popping up around the world. Ginger is native to Southeast Asia and is now cultivated in many areas of the tropical belt. Ginger is a perennial herb, which is vegetatively propagated with its rhizomes (underground stems). The common name of this plant in Spanish is Jengibre. No significant change in the pulse was recorded. It appears in records in Europe dating to the 11th century – it was one of the heavily taxed spices on which nobility made a few bucks. Ginger Names Ginger's scientific name, Zingiber officinale , has Latin origins. …underground stem, or rhizome, of ginger. The dry ginger we get at the grocery store is not from China , but rather from Jamaica and parts of Africa . In Trinidad , the decoction is a remedy for indigestion, stomachache and malaria. By the 11th century it was well known in England. For treatment of the stomach and for general wellness. If one already has food poisoning, it will relieve the symptoms, nausea and projectile vomiting, and go after the causative bug. Sweeten with honey and drink as much as you would like, as often as you can. Shopping Tips Ginger can be used in a variety of forms. Herbalists recommend that those inclined to linger at the shellfish bar keep some ginger around the house! Tumeric, cardamons, zeodary, and galanga are all members of the same fragrant family. Take out the half of the coconut opposite the three “eyes.” Grate it and express the cream. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) can be used nutritionally in cooking or as an herbal remedy and has been evaluated in the treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting.The active gingerols act as an antispasmodic and improve the tone of intestinal muscles. It can be found throughout the world especially in Asia and Africa. - Ginger tea will cure fever - To bring out measles, drink ginger tea - Remedy for a sorethroat: ginger tea. Ginger has a very long history of use in … This especially applies to muscle complaints due to age, the oil is massaged into the affected parts for rheumatism and arthritic conditions. It really works well for diarrhea though. The roots are ground and mixed with honey, taken in the morning to increase strength and vigor. Abstract. The ways it stimulates the body are many, and, whether added to food or taken as a medicinal tea, ginger makes your body a little bit stronger and a little bit better able to resist the damaging forces of nature. The roots from the South are not as juicy as those from the North, and are used in making preserves. Of the 24 patients in the study, the average time of subjective and objective cure was 3.0 days. Until recently we only knew of the ground ginger in the spice rack, now we see the hands of ginger at the green grocers. To cut a long study short they found that the people that took the ginger could take the spinning a lot better than those on a placebo and dramamine. What is ginger anyway? Have these thoroughly pounded together and add to the mixture about a tablespoonful of water. Other Common Name: Jengibre, Ancoas. The plant is Asian by nature, and though a few members of the family have spread to other parts of the world, the world of the Asian gingers is something worth looking into. Oil on canvas painting by Robert Dampier, 1825, Honolulu Academy of Arts. In several parts of the world you will find ginger made into condiments and served along with the meal, a piece of native wisdom that makes a lot of sense. - effect on the gastrointestinal system: doses of 0.1 to 1.0 gram of ginger given to dogs resulted in an increase in the secretion of gastric juice as well as free hydrochloride. Birth Month Flower N/A In a matter of days the reed like shoots will appear and within months the roots will spread under ground and even more reed like shoots will appear. This technique is not suitable for patients with lesions of the scrotum. People from these locations use ginger to treat both conditions. One of the classic treatments for bacterial dysentery in the tropics is ginger, and the people are well advised to use this cheap and effective cure. In some people, ginger can have mild side effects such as abdominal discomfort, heartburn, diarrhea, and gas. Candied the fragrant root its way into cookies, candies, cakes, and confections. One listing is for treating colds and indigestion, the root is steeped in spirits, or fermented with yeast to make a liquor that is held in the highest esteem for all conditions that result from a weakening of the constitution, such as colds and flues. Updates? In addition to all that it has been found to suppress nausea, work as an anti-coagulant, relieve pain, stop vomiting, reduce gastric secretion, reduce blood pressure, and act as a anti-cancer agent. Ginger, as in the powder we are accustomed to dealing with, is thought to have originated from Mongolia . Take 8 roots the size of the thumb; two “awa” roots of equal size; one leaf of the Chunbago zeylanica and one fully matured Morinda citrifolia fruit. wild ginger, ginger lily and fragrant ginger lily. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... A visit to the Ginger Factory, on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. Bite into a fresh ginger root and you will feel the fire stored in the papery brown rapper. Here are the basics for using ginger as a medicine. It is to be considered that candied green or condited ginger is hot and moist in qualities, provoking venerie; and being dried, it heateth and drieth in the third degree. Add this to one cup of water and bring the mixture to a boil and let simmer in a covered pot for ten minutes. Grate the ginger and take out its juice. In Asia the plant is considered to be a general tonic, something that will keep you well and if you are not well, make you well again. With honey added, it is a valued remedy for bronchitis and coughs. Scientific Name: Alpinia purpurata Common Name: Red Ginger Plant Characteristics. It has a definite action on the nerves and if you suffer from travel related nausea, bring some ginger candy along on your next trip. One vendor said she had a special kind to relieve rheumatism. In Asia sailors have long used ginger root to stop the nausea and recent studies have indicated that ginger is in fact more powerful as an anti-nausea medicine than dramamine. Volatile oils have a powerful bacteria killing capacity and it seems probable that as the volatile oil floats down the digestive tract it kills bacteria in its travels. Chemically speaking ginger is absolutely packed with active ingredients. Zingiber officinale, known as the true ginger used as a spice, is one of the oldest known and most widely consumed spices. In China the fresh ginger, principally originating in the Yangste Valley is used to treat fevers, stimulate the stomach, end nausea, cure a cough, get the gas out of the stomach, and cure dysentery. The blend of coconut oil, basil oil, cucumber, and ginger … The root is used for pyrosis, cholera, the runs, toothache, ague, and diseases arising form damp and chills. Ginger with salt taken before meals is praised as a carminative; said to clean the tongue and throat, increase the appetite and produce an agreeable sensation. The ginger you see on the shelf is the root of a grass like plant. Ginger is a tropical plant that was spread around the tropical world during the colonial days. Bengal Ginger scientifically known as Zingiber montanum is a species of plant in the family Zingiberaceae, with no subspecies listed in the Catalogue of Life. Species Zingiber officinale Roscoe – garden ginger P Enter a scientific or common name at any rank. The plant is native to India and Southeast Asia – Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. The Chinese ginger doesn’t separate from the skin as readily as does the Jamaican counterpart, and the skin has to be removed, as ground ginger only contains the meat of the tuber. How is it used? Ginger contains various essential oils that make it both aromatic and medicinal. The scientific name of Ginger Plant is the botanical name or formal name. Benefits of ginger juice with lemon water in the morning for weight loss and many more. It was known to the ancients, being extensively used by the Greeks and Romans, who considered it an Arabian product because it came to them, among spices from India , by way of the Red Sea . Notice the Japanese serve sushi with slices of ginger. What we call ginger is actually the underground stem of a reed like plant, officially called Zingiber officinalis. It was frequently named in the Anglo-Saxon domestic works on medicine of the 11th century, and was used by the Welsh physicians (507) of the 13th and 14th centuries, being then next to pepper in common use. Rank Scientific Name and Common Name; Kingdom: Plantae ... Zingiberaceae – Ginger family Genus: Zingiber Mill. Scientific Back Up When it comes to quelling the queasiness of motion sickness, ginger has no equal, say herbalists and researchers alike. Quality standards for ginger can be found in the United States Pharmacopeia.More than 400 different compounds have been identified in ginger. When discussing food poisoning, seafood always comes up. Warnings Ginger is entirely safe to use. "Zingiber" is originally from a Sanskrit word that means "shaped like a horn" and refers to the horn-shaped leaves of most species of ginger. In days gone by fine cuisine, that which was enjoyed by the nobility, was a very extravagant and highly organized affair. Parts of the plant used: The rhizomes (underground stems). - use in urology: six to ten 0.2 mm thick pieces of ginger placed over the affected testis, were used for acute orchitis. The ground spice is actually the fragrant seed pods a blooming ginger relation. Its one way to loose weight, but there are easier ways. Ginger could be found in commerce in Europe long before the days of Jesus Christ and in fact it was popular amongst the herbalist right off the bat, particularly in England . Harvesting is done simply by lifting the rhizomes from the soil, cleansing them, and drying them in the sun. The list of ginger relations used for health and flavor looks something like this: black cardamon: amomum amarum siam cardamon: ammomum cardamomum cochin chinese cardamon: ammomum medium grains of paradise: amomum melegueta cochin chinese cardamon: ammomum villosum bastard cardamon: ammomum xanthoides kaempferia galanga tumeric: curcuma. In Costa Rica , vendors declare that the decoction is taken to relieve throat inflammation and asthma. Mushrooms contain many chemicals that are quite toxic to the human body. This scientific name can be used to define a tropic … This substance is an added ingredient in some commercial shampoos. Relaxed sore throat, hoarseness and loss of voice are sometimes benefitted by chewing a piece of ginger so as to produce a copious flow of saliva. Though once imported it is now grown in all the Chinese provinces. Or for cleansing the blood, take 4 “olena” bulbs; about a quart of the shoots; an equal amount of the Punex gigauteus leaves and shoots; a piece of the mountain apple bark; an equal amount of “koa” bark; a half of a segment of white sugar-cane. Pregnant women should always consult first with a health care professional before taking any treatment. Inflorescence a spike on a distinct scape; flowers densely arranged, bisexual, irregular, each subtended by a persistent scarious bract. 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